When The Story Begins....

Life is so short to be wasted...so lets LIVE, LEARN, WORK and PLAY!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

LOREAL Rouge Flamboyant 202 Lipstick + SILKY GIRL Amber 01 LipGloss

Hurm mood sgt berseri-seri today...lalala...so ari ni nak citer yg best2 je la...salah satunya nak kongsi ngan u all smua psl lipstik LOREAL Rouge Flamboyant No. 202 Lipstick + SILKYGIRL Amber No. 01 Lipgloss yg da lama beli tp xabis2 lg nih...huahuahua...sbbnya aku nih bkn la make-up type punya org....sgt2 xsuka make up ya ampun xtau la nape...rasa xselesa,pns,rimas smua ade...sudahnye kuar gi mana2 pon hanya la tempek liquid foundation + loose powder....pastu trus kuar dgn yakin + bgaya....walaupun muka mcm amoi cina baru bgn tido....uwaaaaa....ok2 sambung citer psl make up...Kalo nak tau,both are the best combination ever....Sbb ape aku ckp camtu? Haaa sbb color lipstick nih sgt2 la match ngan lipgloss itu...so lately aku sgtlah gemar pakai lipstik nih beserta lipgloss...mmg sgt cantek color tu....very the soft + pastel color gitu...kalo citer je xbg gambar xguna gak kan...kang jenuh plak korang nak imagine kan color tuh kan...so korang bleh refer gambar kat bwh nih :

# LOREAL Rouge Flamboyant 202 + SILKY GIRL Amber 01

#ni contoh kaler lipstik tu bile dah apply...amboi muka sirius habaq ang!

nampak kan the color blend so nice....actually masa akad nikah tu aku xpasti lak my mak andam tu pakai lipstik ape but the color is so close...color nih mmg sesuai utk yg berkulit putih + cerah...lg2 kalau korang pandai combine ngan color eyeshadow ngan blusher...color eyeshadow bleh pakai earth color mcm brown or peach...but normally aku xpakai eyeshadow....just a bit touch up on the cheek using peach color blusher and i'm done! senang kan....so utk korang yg still tercari-cari color lipstik yg fresh and sweet, this would be the answer!! go and grab them now....;)

~Our sEcrET sAnCTUarY~

hah mlm ni tetiba rajin plak nak update blog yg agak bsawang nih....maklumlah sibuk sgt menguruskan rumahtangga....sibuk ke??? bkn ko sibuk tido je cik azila? hah kan da kantoi...eh tido tu kan satu ibadat....haha...tp kalo da dari pg smpai ke ptg tido smpai solat zohor+asar pon tbabas tu da dikira activiti menambah dosa ye tuan-tuan....haha...agak poyo plak aku mlm nih...

okeh pendekkan citer sbb byk lg story nak update nih...so mlm ni sempena my hubby keje mlm kan tetiba rasa rindu lak kat die....*gediks plak di situ ye....wink~ sbnarnye saje je nak bgtau baru je tukar bedsheet bilik kitorang....ahaks...mesti ade yg kata, alah tukar bedsheet pon nak citer kat blog....gedik ah....ehem2 suka ati mak non la nak citer psl ape pun dah sah2 ni blog mak non kan? ye dak? hahaha....mari kita tgk gambanye dulu ye :

motifnya gambar nih diupload bkn la nak tunjuk sgt bedsheet tuh cuma aku nak bercerita psl bende2 kecik yg dipandang remeh oleh sesetengah org tp sebenarnye memberi impak yg besar pd kita...contohnya bedsheet nih, bile tgk mcm biasa je tp sbenarnye after tukar td secara automatiknya mood aku berubah....daripada cloudy trus jd berseri-seri, maybe sbb color bedsheet tu yg colorful and agak attractive...ditambah plak ngan wordings yg menarik....see??? thats what i'm trying to say here...less is more....simple things can make our day...;)

p/s : credit to Kak Ena for the cute bedsheet ever....Kak Ena nih owner umah sewa aku kat Puchong dulu....bedsheet nih die bg as wedding gift ari tu...thanks again kak! ;)
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